Technical Migration

There are a few major changes in the migration from 7.x to 8.x.

  • The PostgreSQL version was 9.6 and is now 11.0.1

  • We're transitioning the filestore to Minio, but the old filestore is still in use.

There are a few services you need to migrate data from.

  • PostgreSQL

    • for 7.x PostgreSQL 9.6

    • for 8.x PostgreSQL 11.0.1

MOLGENIS home dir

The file store and server properties are located in the MOLGENIS home dir. The location of this directory is configured as follows:

  • molgenis.home runtime property if specified in the tomcat catalina options, otherwise

  • molgenis.home environment variable if specified, otherwise

  • .molgenis dir in the user's home dir


Go to a terminal and dump your database using (as root-user):

cd /tmp/
pg_dump molgenis > molgenis.sql

Load you database using on the new server (as root-user):

Be sure you drop the database before you load the customer database.

cd /tmp/
psql molgenis < molgenis.sql


Go to a terminal and tar you files into an archive (as root-user):

cd /home/molgens/
tar -pzcvf /tmp/molgenis.tar.gz /data

Restore the filestore on the new server (as root-user):

cd /home/molgenis
mv data data_backup
tar -pxvzf molgenis.tar.gz


Go to a terminal and tar you files into an archive (as root-user):

cd /tmp/
cp /home/molgenis/ .

Restore the filestore on the new server (as root-user):

cd /tmp/
cp /home/molgenis/ .

You need to add additional properties to make the deployment work with MOLGENIS 8.0.x


Last updated