
With auditing you can keep track of who did what and when. Think of login/logout events, data access events, failed authentications, etc. Below you will read how to configure auditing in your MOLGENIS.

Configuring the log file

If you want to log auditing information to a log file, you'll need to set the audit.log.path environment variable and point it to where you want to store the log file. For developers using IntelliJ, see the Tomcat guide.

Auditing settings

The settings for auditing can be found in the Settings plugin.

Audit system entity types

Audit logging for system entity types can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, all changes to system entity types will be logged: create, update and delete. Read events won't be logged.

Audit non-system entity types

Audit logging for non-system entity types (like imported datasets) can be configured with this setting. Your options are:

  • None - no entity types will be audited

  • Tagged - only entity types with the audit-usage tag will be audited (see below)

  • All - all entity types will be audited

When enabled, all interactions with these entity types will be logged, including read events.

Tagging an entity type

With tags, you have fine-grained control over which entity types are audited. Here's how you can tag your entity types:


  1. Go to the Data Explorer

  2. Navigate to the Entity type table

  3. Look for the entity type you want to audit

  4. Edit it, and find the Tags field

  5. Here, add the audit-usage tag


  1. Go to the entities sheet

  2. Add audit-usage in the tags column for every entity type that should be audited

  3. Import the EMX

Last updated