RSQL operators


The MOLGENIS REST query API makes use of RSQL. RSQL is a query language for parametrized filtering of entries in RESTful APIs. It’s based on FIQL (Feed Item Query Language), that was originally specified by Mark Nottingham as a language for querying Atom feeds. However the simplicity of RSQL and its capability to express complex queries in a compact and HTTP URI-friendly way makes it a good candidate for becoming a generic query language for searching REST endpoints.

Supported RSQL operators

MOLGENIS supports the following operators:






Performs an equals query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA exactly equal queryValue



Performs a search query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA contain queryValue



Performs a like query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are like queryValue


/api/v2/myTable?q=columnA=in=(valueA, valueB)

Performs an in query. Returns all rows from myTable where columnA contains valueA OR valueB



Performs a not equals query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA do not equal queryValue



Performs a not like query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are not like queryValue

< & =lt=

/api/v2/myTable?q=columnA<queryValue, /api/v2/myTable?q=columnA=lt=queryValue

Performs a lesser than query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are lesser than queryValue

=le= & <=

/api/v2/myTable?q=columnA<=queryValue, /api/v2/myTable?q=columnA=le=queryValue

Performs a lesser than or equal to query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are lesser than or equal to queryValue

< & =gt=

/api/v2/myTable?q=columnA>queryValue, /api/v2/myTable?q=columnA=gt=queryValue

Performs a greater than query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are greater than queryValue

>= & =ge=

/api/v2/myTable?q=columnA>=queryValue, /api/v2/myTable?q=columnA=ge=queryValue

Performs a equal to or greater than query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are equal to or greater than queryValue



Performs a from to query. Returns all rows from myTable where values in columnA are equal or greater than the fromValue, and lesser than or equal to the toValue



Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

Last updated