
Using localization you can specify how Molgenis should look for users in different countries.


Molgenis comes with a fixed set of languages. You'll find them in the Language entity. Each language is identified by its ISO 639-1 Code.

The following languages are available:

The xx language is made available to give you some flexibility in adding your own specific language.

By default, only the en language is active. You can activate the other languages as needed by editing their row in the Language entity in the Data Explorer.

In the Application Settings you can specify the application-wide default language, used for anonymous users and for users who have not yet chosen a language.

If more than one language is available, users can select their language in the menu at the top of the screen.

UI Messages

In the Localization entity in the Data Explorer you can provide translations for UI messages. The translations are split into namespaces. For instance the values in the form namespace allow you to localize how the forms look. Changes you make will be visible in the UI once you reload the page.


In your EMX files, you can provide translations for your data and metadata in columns postfixed with - and the language code.


The attributes and entities sheets in your EMX files have a label and a description column. When you upload entities in EMX, you can specify translations for these labels and descriptions in attributes

E.g. to provide Dutch labels and descriptions, you should specify them in the columns label-nl and description-nl.


If an entity you create has label attributes that you'd like to localize for the user, you should provide your translations in attributes postfixed with the language code.


Suppose you have a City entity that has a name label attribute that you'd like to translate into Dutch. In the attributes sheet of your EMX, specify two rows for both the name and the name-nl attributes.

In the data sheet for your City entity, add columns for both name and name-nl.

Check out the Sample EMX file.

Last updated