REST api v2

REST api (v2)

We are expanding and improving the REST api. At its heart is a simplified query syntax called RSQL for collection queries For query syntax see RSQL parser. In addition we simplify the reading of entities.



GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0(subattr0,subattr1),attr1(*)
POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?_method=GET
POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?_method=GET



DELETE http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>


We use the RSQL HTTP/URL based query language:

GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0(subattr0,subattr1),attr1(*)
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:asc
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:desc
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:desc,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?start=40&num=20
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0==val
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0!=val
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0!=val;q=attr1=ge=5

See the MOLGENIS RSQL documentation for all supported operators in MOLGENIS and matching examples.

Aggregate contents

We also support aggregation of the result query:

The aggregation query supports the RSQL selectors 'x', 'y' and 'distinct' and the RSQL operator '=='. The selector 'x' defines the first aggregation attribute name, 'y' defines the second aggregation attribute name, 'distinct' defines the distinct aggregation attribute name.

GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1;distinct=attr2
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1;distinct=attr2&q=attr4==val

Join data from other tables

For simple lookup lists, it might be a convenience to include the list in the initial API response. You can do this for CATEGORICAL, and CATEGORICAL_MREF attributes using includeCategories.

Not including the query option will set it to the default false.

Sorting categorical options

You can add a unique, visible attribute to the metadata of the table after the ID-attribute to sort the categorical options.

NOTE: Make sure the ID-attribute is invisible.

Attribute definition

Metadata of target table

When you call a V2 call with the includeCategories option this column will be used to sort on.

Example request - response




GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/TableA?includeCategories=true


  "meta": {
    "attributes": [
        "name": "id"
        "name": "category",
        "categoricalOptions": [
            "id": "A",
            "label": "A very awesome category"
            "id": "B",
            "label": "A very busy category"
            "id": "C",
            "label": "A very complex category"

Create/Add, Update, Delete by ID


DELETE http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>

Batch add/create

To create/add a list of entities into a collection you can POST the 'entities' parameter to a collection:


POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [
    "age": "101",
    "driverslicence": true
    "age": "102",
    "driverslicence": true


201 Created


    location: "/api/v2/Person?q=id=in=("1","2")"
    resources: [{
        href: "/api/v2/Person/1"
        href: "/api/v2/Person/2"

* href: "/api/v2/Person/2" returns a created resource
* location: /api/v2/person/?q=id=in=(1,2) returns all created resources

Batch update

To batch update a list of entities of a collection you can PUT the 'entities' parameter to a collection:


PUT http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [
    "id": 1,
    "age": "11",
    "driverslicence": true
    "id": 2,
    "age": "12",
    "driverslicence": true


204 No Content

Batch delete

(since v3.0.0)

To delete a list of entities of a collection you can DELETE the 'entityIds' parameter to a collection:


DELETE http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

    entityIds: ["person0", "person1"]


204 No Content


    location: "/api/v2/Person?q=id=in=("1","2")"
    resources: [{
        href: "/api/v2/Person/1"
        href: "/api/v2/Person/2"

One value

If you only want to change one attribute without needing to provide all other attributes:


PUT http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person/age
Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [
    "id": 1,
    "age": "1"
    "id": 2,
    "age": "2"


204 No Content

Last updated